quinta-feira, 30 de agosto de 2012

Ferals #8 nas Bancas

New This Week – FERALS #8

David Lapham and Gabriel Andrade deliver the very best in sex ‘n’ gore in Ferals #8, available today at your local comic shop!
Dale Chesnutt is a pawn in a deadly game and he still doesn’t see the people moving the pieces. With the FBI whispering in his ear and a growing animal ferocity changing him in ways he doesn’t understand, he soon discovers that the Feral threat is much wider spread than they thought. And when he comes face-to-face with several full-blown Ferals, the time comes to discover for whom he is fighting.
Ferals #8 comes in a variety of different cover editions, all of which are beautiful (if you find bloodletting beautiful, of course)! Our available covers include Regular, Gore, and Wraparound. Select retailers may also have the Slashed Incentive edition available for sale to their patrons.

FERALS #8 Regular Edition
Cover by Gabriel Andrade
$3.99 US Retail, Item Code: 

FERALS #8 Gore Edition
Cover by Gabriel Andrade
$3.99 US Retail, Item Code: JUL120814

FERALS #8 Wraparound Edition
Cover by Gabriel Andrade
$3.99 US Retail, Item Code: JUL120813

quarta-feira, 22 de agosto de 2012

Ferals #7

Join David Lapham (Stray BulletsCrossed: Badlands) and Gabriel Andrade (Lady Death) as the second story arc in the Ferals saga explodes with supercharged violence!
When last we saw Dale Chesnutt, he was pretty @#$%ed up.  Torn to shreds, barely alive, hallucinating from the blood loss… and yet, how does he manage to survive the aftermath of the FBI’s epic raid.  Faced with the authority and threat of the Bureau, Dale surrenders to their control… or so they think.  What exactly happened to Dale and who are the Ferals?
Ferals #7 is available in a handful of variant cover editions, allowing fans the freedom of choice! Our available covers include Regular, Gore, and Wraparound. Select retailers may also have the Slashed Incentive edition available for sale to their patrons.

FERALS #7 Regular Edition
Cover by Gabriel Andrade
$3.99 US Retail, Item Code: 

FERALS #7 Gore Edition
Cover by Gabriel Andrade
$3.99 US Retail, Item Code: JUN120878

FERALS #7 Wraparound Edition
Cover by Gabriel Andrade
$3.99 US Retail, Item Code: JUN120877

segunda-feira, 13 de agosto de 2012

Feira do Livro de Mossoró - Agosto 2012

Um evento incrível, com muita gente bonita, música, literatura, cultura, arte e diversão. A Feira do Livro de Mossoró - Agosto 2012 já deixou saudade. Fotos da Oficina "Construindo uma Ilustração Dinâmica" ministrada por min e do Bate-papo sobre a relação Heróis/ Anti-heróis no sábado passado, dia 11, onde eu,  Gabriel Andrade Jr (Ferals, Lady Death) Geraldo Borges( Lanterna Verde, Asa Noturna) e a quadrinhista Milena Azevedo participamos com nossas opiniões e experiencias controversas. 

Feira do Livro Mossoró-RN

Primeiras fotos da Feira do livro em Mossoró. Bate papo,sobre "Heróis e Anti-heróis", com Gabriel Andrade (Ferals, Lady Death, Die Hard: Year One), Geraldo Borges(Asa Noturna, Lanterna Verde) e a historiadora e quadrinhista Milena Azevedo, no sábado passado, dia 11.