Some pages From Grafhic Novel "The Astonishing Tales of Kid Occult"
write by James Glen e art by me.
Some pages of my fast work in the Graphic Novel "The Alchemist" to Sea Lion Books.
write by James Glen e art by me.
Some pages of my fast work in the Graphic Novel "The Alchemist" to Sea Lion Books.
Based in the Best Seller of the brazilian writer Paulo Coelho "The Alchemist".
Barefoot is a Fantastic Comic book serie wrote by my friend Eric Pallick e drawned by me.
Pages from serie "Die Hard: Year One" to Boom! Studios. Pages from issue #7;
Page from serie "Die Hard: Year One" to Boom! Studios. These was to issue #6.
Page from serie "Die Hard: Year One" to Boom! Studios. First my pencil basic
and after inks. This page was to issue # 5.

Pages from Aliens #2 of Dark Horse.
Pages from my First Work. The graphic novel "The Last Convert of John Harper" to Kingstone comics.