Texto de Flávio Pessanha:(https://www.facebook.com/alanmoorebr/photos/a.596089530435533.1073741828.594960977215055/820508857993598/?type=1&fref=nf
Alan Moore comentou, em uma entrevista ao Bleeding Cool, seu trabalho em conjunto com o brasileiro Gabriel Andrade para a nova série CROSSED +100, baseada e ambientada... na história criada por Garth Ennis.
Moore rendeu fortes elogios a Gabriel Andrade, destacando a dedicação do brasileiro: "Estou mesmo muito empolgado. Acabei de ver alguns esboços que Gabriel fez e eles são fantásticos. A energia que há neles... o fato é que o cara entendeu e comprometeu sua percepção com as ideias que estavam na minha proposta, e parece que ele está adorando a coisa. É sempre um prazer ver isso. Quando o artista mergulha na coisa, há esse tipo de sinergia que inspira um ao outro, é o que acho. Estou tão animado com isso."
Além disso, Moore esclareceu que a série se passa no ano de 2108, cem anos após os eventos ocorridos na série original de Garth Ennis, que ele considerou "terrível, brutal e realmente perturbadora", chegando a abandonar a leitura temporariamente.
Para conceber o sequel, Moore tomou por referências as premissas e as estimativas utilizadas na série original: apesar de a população ter sido quase que totalmente dizimada, os contaminados seriam cada vez menos numerosos com o passar do tempo, por não se reproduzirem, enquanto que os humanos sobreviventes pouco a pouco voltariam a recolonizar os espaços, completamente modificados nesse tempo, com construções em ruínas, uma nova vegetação se regenerando, borboletas, insetos e animais. Moore explica que a alimentação bovina teria se exaurido, devorada pelos contaminados, mas que os avestruzes por serem mais velozes ainda sobreviveriam como fonte de alimento.
Moore também debateu conjuntamente com Garth Ennis sobre a natureza da contaminação, mas indica que a causa deverá permanecer sem explicação. Ele explica que "no futuro surgem escolas místicas de pensamento sugerindo que os Contaminados eram uma forma da Mãe Natureza de salvar a humanidade dela mesma".
Ele relata que as necessidades dos sobreviventes são preocupações práticas e se resumem em se manter a salvo, dispor de fontes confiáveis de energia e tentar resgatar o máximo possível de tecnologia antiga que ainda opera, num mundo sem internet. Trata-se, conforme Moore indica, "de uma Era das Trevas cuja única forma de sair é através da recuperação do máximo possível de conhecimento".
Ao fim, Alan Moore adverte que se em CROSSED o planeta e as pessoas ainda sobrevivem, no nosso mundo real "o tipo de apocalipse que nós possivelmente estamos trazendo é algo que talvez o planeta em seu atual estado não seja capaz de sobreviver, e muito menos a nossa espécie".
CROSSED é uma série originalmente criada por Garth Ennis (criador de PREACHER, escritor de HELLBLAZER e ganhador do Prêmio Eisner), ambientada em um mundo ficcional em que sobreviventes lidam com uma praga que faz com que seus portadores executem seus pensamentos mais malignos, mas continuem a deter sua capacidade de raciocínio e inteligência. Os portadores do vírus, cuja principal forma de contágio é através de fluidos corporais e sangue, manifestam na face a marca de uma cruz avermelhada. A sequência de Moore e Gabriel Andrade será focada em um grupo de sobreviventes que tenta reconstruir a cultura humana cem anos após os eventos apocalípticos da série original.
CROSSED +100 chega às livrarias americanas em dezembro. Confira na imagem o conjunto de capas especialmente elaborado por Alan Moore e Gabriel Andrade para inaugurar a série.
sexta-feira, 19 de setembro de 2014
Taste Test
(W) Alan Moore (A/CA) Gabriel Andrade
Before the epic begins, we offer a sampler platter, if you will, showing the savory goods on offer. Get a first look at the pencil art of Gabriel Andrade, design sketches, and notes from Alan Moore. This special edition is limited to just 3000 copies and will be in stores the week before #1. Also available in Crossed Flavor, equally limited to a scant 3000 copies.
segunda-feira, 15 de setembro de 2014
If you’ve been following the teasers running on Bleeding Cool, you’ll know that today brings a major announcement from Avatar Press concerning a brand new project written by Alan Moore and drawn by Gabriel Andrade (Ferals). That project is an all-original and self-contained 6-issue arc set within the epidemic-infected Crossed universe as created by Garth Ennis, but with a major twist: it is set 100 years in the future, a century from the date of the original Crossed outbreak. The series is entitled Crossed: +100.

Alan Moore has returned to full scripting a new monthly comic for this series, and was compelled to do so through a series of increasingly piquant conversations with his friend Garth Ennis about the implications of the Crossed series for humanity’s future. In response, Moore has created an entirely new world and a hundred years of “missing” history to explore the future of the Crossed outbreak, what will happen to the Crossed themselves over such a long period of time, and what fate awaits humanity after losing the basic elements of modern civilization. With Moore as the single author on the series, it’s a comics master producing a new apocalyptic vision for readers by returning to the roots of dynamic speculative fiction.
Crossed creator Garth Ennis comments:
Alan Moore explains the appeal of the series to him as a writer:
In keeping with the science fiction theme running through the series in connection with Future Taylor’s interests, there will also be a set of covers created in homage to famous works of science fiction tying into the themes of the particular issue in question and yet another set of covers that gives insights into “Crossed Culture”.
Also make sure to keep your eyes peeled for more information on a special “sampler” publication that will precede the series’ arrival in shops and include exclusive artwork, notes from Alan Moore, and a first look at the series, and also take note that an unprecedented level of care and attention has been devoted to the creation of collectors’ editions and boxed sets for the advent of Crossed: +100. For an all-out series like this one, Avatar Press have pulled out all the stops to deliver unique opportunities for readers and collectors alike.
Crossed: +100 will be infesting shops this December.
Avatar Press is the parent company of Bleeding Cool.

Alan Moore has returned to full scripting a new monthly comic for this series, and was compelled to do so through a series of increasingly piquant conversations with his friend Garth Ennis about the implications of the Crossed series for humanity’s future. In response, Moore has created an entirely new world and a hundred years of “missing” history to explore the future of the Crossed outbreak, what will happen to the Crossed themselves over such a long period of time, and what fate awaits humanity after losing the basic elements of modern civilization. With Moore as the single author on the series, it’s a comics master producing a new apocalyptic vision for readers by returning to the roots of dynamic speculative fiction.
Crossed creator Garth Ennis comments:
So it turns out Jimi Hendrix wants to play in my band. He wants to sing my songs. I don’t usually worry about vindication, but Alan is probably the one person whose opinion would be enough to change my mind about what I do.
He’s the most talented individual the medium’s ever seen or ever will; that he’s writing Crossed means everything to me.
–Garth Ennis
Other writers hint at their cleverness through a lens of smirking mysteries, Alan invites you in for a cup of tea and lets you poke his with a sharp stick. You don’t have to think he’s right to think he’s Right.Crossed: +100 features characters in a specific enclave of survivors, many of whom have never actually seen an infected Crossed individual and are seeking to build a future for themselves upon the ruins of the past. The natural world has returned to human cities in force, and humans are resorting to reclaiming basic technological advancements. Central to the narrative is Future Taylor, a female archivist intrigued by science fiction of the 20th and 21st centuries, and her struggling team of reclamation workers. When they encounter a small group of Crossed, they are troubled by the implications of proliferation from the violent and infected beings, and set out to uncover the mystery of why Crossed seem to be increasing and behaving unusually in the region. Is there really any hope for rebuilding human culture, or will the Crossed epidemic finally stamp out human evolution through the last of the straggling survivors?
Likewise, you don’t have to enjoy horrific things to find value in horror fiction. And you don’t have to like Crossed to know Alan’s take on it will be very, very interesting indeed. –Simon Spurrier
Alan Moore explains the appeal of the series to him as a writer:
What kind of human future would there be at all? Would humans all be gone? Once I started thinking about this, and I checked all this with Garth, and he thought that it was logical, it seems pretty sound. So, that’s been part of the thrill of it. I think people think of Crossed as a horror story, and I can see why. It is extremely horrible. But actually I’ve always had my problems with genre, and I am coming to the conclusion that genre has really only ever been a convenience.Not only has Alan Moore full-scripted this contained arc of Crossed, but he has also designed every single cover of the series personally, in multiple formats. Look out for a full set of cover reveals later in the week for the first issue of Crossed +100 but as a teaser, we’ll let you know that every cover of Crossed: +100 will offer clues and hidden information about what has transpired in the 100 years since the outbreak, and hints at things to come for the characters.
Now, looking at Crossed, I was actually thinking that this, for my purposes, is a horror story, but it’s also a science fiction story. I was thinking that Crossed is actually a science fiction story that has got a really, really high horror quotient. So that was the way that I started approaching it. I was treated Crossed as a “What if?” story, which is the premise of most science fiction.
In keeping with the science fiction theme running through the series in connection with Future Taylor’s interests, there will also be a set of covers created in homage to famous works of science fiction tying into the themes of the particular issue in question and yet another set of covers that gives insights into “Crossed Culture”.
Also make sure to keep your eyes peeled for more information on a special “sampler” publication that will precede the series’ arrival in shops and include exclusive artwork, notes from Alan Moore, and a first look at the series, and also take note that an unprecedented level of care and attention has been devoted to the creation of collectors’ editions and boxed sets for the advent of Crossed: +100. For an all-out series like this one, Avatar Press have pulled out all the stops to deliver unique opportunities for readers and collectors alike.
Crossed: +100 will be infesting shops this December.
Avatar Press is the parent company of Bleeding Cool.
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